Society 4.0 internationaal
Society 4.0 – a citizens’ movement all over the world?
The Society 4.0 initiative started in 2020, when Bob de Wit, Dutch professor of Strategic Leadership at Nyenrode Business University published his book ‘Society 4.0: Resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society’.
Since then this initiative has not only gained momentum in the Netherlands, but also in Germany, Belgium, Spain, UK and Turkey.
‘Digital Bob’ speaks over 30 languages
Now there is a ‘digital clone’ of Bob de Wit available in over 30 languages, so that we can support citizens’ initiatives and inspire people to actively participate in the transformation of society all over the world.
Seit Ende 2022 wurde Society 4.0 auch im deutschsprachigen Raum bekannt und es entstand ein der Bedarf an Informationen in deutscher Sprache. Um diesem gerecht zu werden, gibt es inzwischen eine deutschsprachigen Webseite, die ständig aktualisiert und erweitert wird.
Die 10 gesellschaftlichen Bereiche in Society 4.0
>> deutscher Flyer zum Downloaden
Nutzen Sie unser digitales Tool “Digitaler Bob”, um direkt auf Deutsch in den Dialog zu gehen über Society 4.0.
>> Digitaler Bob
A hopeful perspective on our future society is presented by Bob de Wit in his book ‘Society 4.0: Resolving Eight Key Issues to Build a Citizens Society’ (2020), in which the interests of people in regions are leading. The book has inspired many people and citizens’ movements in the Netherlands and other countries.
The book was originally written in English and is available in our shop.
>> to the shop
The 10 Societal domains of Society 4.0
There is also a flyer in English, which you can download here.
>> Flyer in English
More information in English
If you have specific questions about the societal transformation we are now experiencing you can have a chat with “Digital Bob” in English. This AI based “digital clone” of Bob de Wit can answer all kinds of questions about Society 4.0.
>> Digital Bob
Kitap Türkçeye çevrilmiştir ve buradan temin edilebilir.
Toplum 4.0 hakkında diyaloğa girmek için dijital aracımız “Dijital Bob ”u kullanın.
>> Digital Bob