
Health is more than treating diseases, it starts with prevention: after all, prevention is better than cure. Staying healthy means good nutrition, exercise, exercise and relaxation. Man’s relationship with nature must be restored, and in medicine, providers in the health care domain must put the integral health of citizens back at the center, and not their revenue model and the financial enticements of the sick and sickening pharmaceutical industry. This is about finding a new balance. Medical science has achieved great results in developing certain drugs and treatments, and they should be embraced and continue to be applied above all. But at the same time, nature also has much to offer with herbs, plants and nutritional supplements, as well as natural treatment methods.

A regional network of healthcare professionals and healthcare companies with integrity must be built that put people’s health first, based on direct contact between patient and physician and the reduction of the dominant role of insurers. In addition, care centers will need to be established with regional hospitals, physical and mental health services, first aid, and partners for regional health insurance. For very specialized care for which the region lacks scale, cooperation can be established with other regions.

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